Thursday, December 17, 2009

... the primary measure of success...

In his blog - and in documents shared with the New ACT team recently, convener Bill Gottschalk-Fielding has laid out several principles guiding the work of the new conference. Here is one that particularly excites me:

“To be church” means “to be in mission;” therefore, the quality and quantity of relationships established with our neighbors, particularly those who have been disenfranchised by mainstream society is the primary measure of success for the annual conference, its congregations and its members.

So... United Methodists... how far are we willing to go, as followers of Jesus, in making "relationships... with our neighbors" the center of what we do, and the sign of how we are doing?

In a couple of districts in the UNY region, congregations have been asked to invite guests from the surrounding community to their annual church conferences, in order to listen to the needs of our neighbors and their feedback on how (or whether!) they see us.

Among these honored guests have been town administrators, emergency personnel, school nurses, social workers, and more. The feedback, and the opportunities for ministry, have been illuminating. How often do we turn our attention to those whom we serve instead of first focusing on "church business"?

An e-mail that arrived today sent me to the witness of a Jesus-followers dancing under bridges. I invite you to read and reflect on the testimony to the work of ordinary folks doing ministry-by-relationship, "helping people to feel human again."


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