Thursday, October 15, 2009

Imagine New York churches...

The following statement of faith is based in the Vision Statement guiding the work of the New Area Conference Team (New ACT) in New York state. On September 19, both New ACT and the Critical Questions Teams used this as a prayerful affirmation in worship.
You may use this Imagine affirmation in worship, group devotional time or in your personal prayer for the conference and its churches. The document can be downloaded for print.

Imagine the people of God in Upstate New York:

Growing in our relationship with God,
Being nourished by vibrant spiritual practices,
Speaking the truth in love
Developing Christ-centered and spirit-empowered leadership, lay and clergy
Trusting in God’s abundance and guidance

Imagine the people of God in Upstate New York:
Being the body of Christ within the world,
Becoming a community where people WANT to be
Showing hospitality by welcoming, engaging and serving in love with neighbor
Being transparent in word and deed
Embracing diversity among all God's children.

Imagine the people of God in Upstate New York:
Living in the way of Jesus Christ
Opening to new ways of being and doing Church
Trusting the ambiguity and messiness of change
Seeking courage to take risks
Connecting with one another and the world
Making decisions and planning with prayerful discernment
Transforming the work of the Church into an act of worship.

* * *
What do YOU imagine?


  1. The newest entry is in Oct. 9th?? Up to date news??

  2. A. Kinney: You must have missed some pages. As of December 13, there was a November post, and now there are several December posts. HN.

  3. Folks looking for New ACT news: This blog, and the convener's blog, are reflection pages. Look for news, minutes, bios and more at
